About Anneke

I’m Anneke,

a Certified Adult Chair® Coach, and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to take your journey toward fully loving and connecting with yourself and others in an authentic way. Childhood wounding causes parts of us to adopt behavior patterns in order to survive. Those patterns serve us well growing up but are maladaptive in our adult life. With my life experience and training, I will help you to unify different parts of you and guide you to the feeling of self-love and acceptance in order to live in your healthiest adult self. This will help you with your desire to feel a deep connection with yourself and others by giving you practical tools and putting healthy habits in place.

I grew up having deep thoughts and even deeper feelings. I knew what I wanted in life and how I wanted my relationships to look. Yet I found myself living my life pleasing and serving what I thought others expected of me, neglecting my own needs and goals in life. My inner critic's voice was loud.

There was a feeling of, “There has to be more; this cannot be all there is.” So, I started reading, studying, listening, researching, joining groups, talking to coaches and speaking to many inspirational people to find my way back to my own path.

I suddenly realized I didn’t need people or circumstances to change in order to change my life – it was up to me.

I realized I had all it takes within me. I was simply standing in my own way from becoming the person I knew I wanted to be. Suddenly, I found the tools to overcome my hurdles. The Adult Chair® and complementary models finally gave me practical tools to live my life the way I had always envisioned it for myself.

I want to help you do the same! I understand the challenges of wanting to be a caring mother, loving partner, supportive friend and successful business person while prioritizing your own needs. I also hold a degree in childhood studies, which has given me a clear idea about what we need to thrive in life. I understand the effect challenging childhood experiences can have and their far-reaching consequences into adulthood, especially for highly sensitive people. While working with you, I will keep your relationships and family system in mind in order to facilitate and nurture healthy bonds to fulfill our deep and universal need to connect.

I also believe self-worth and boundaries are the heart of healthy relationships with ourselves and others. Our boundaries are the manual of how we would like to be treated according to our values. I will help you become clear on what they are and how to implement them in a positive way. 

The Adult Chair® model provides the tools to re-parent ourselves, live an authentic life and parent our children to blossom into healthy adults. As caregivers we owe it to our families to be our healthiest self in order to be a pillar of strength for those who we love. 

I am looking forward to being by your side on your path of becoming your mentally, spiritually and physically healthiest adult self.

You have what it takes within you!

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Testimonials from around the world

  • “Anneke helped me process a really big life change. She not only held space for me, she also was able to help me push through some fears that I was having and was able to help me get out of my head.”

    - MaryAnn M.

  • “Right away, I felt comfortable and supported with Anneke. She understood me and was able to give me powerful tools and insights… It made a significant difference in my ability to understand myself more and to move forward in a positive direction in my relationships.”

    - Caroline P.

  • "Vor dem Gespräch mit Anneke habe ich mit einer großen Entscheidung gehadert und wusste nicht genau, warum es mir so schwer fiel mich zu entscheiden oder warum mir dieses Thema so wichtig war. Ich fühlte mich überfordert und hilflos. Schon nach wenigen Minuten hatte mich Anneke, durch ihre sanfte und respektvolle Art, mit den richtigen Fragen zu dem Kern dieses Missstands geführt. Es war uns möglich in nur einer Sitzung Heilung in die Situation zu bringen. Direkt nach unserer Sitzung fühlte ich mich freier und es war mir möglich dieses Thema aus einem anderen Blickwinkel anzusehen. Ich traf meine Entscheidung mit Leichtigkeit und Vertrauen. Danke Anneke, die Arbeit, die Du machst ist so wertvoll und wird vielen Menschen helfen."

    -Elke B.

  • "Die Gespräche mit Anneke haben mich nicht nur erkennen lassen was ich verändern muss, sondern auch wie! Wir haben über konkrete Lösungen und mögliche Veränderungen gesprochen. Was mir sehr geholfen hat, waren die Fragen die, die sie gestellt hat und diese als Aufgabe zum Nachdenken mitzunehmen und mich damit auseinanderzusetzen. Das hat mich sehr nach vorne gebracht. Auch habe ich erkannt, ich bin gar nicht alleine mit den Situationen und es ist absolut ok, dass es so ist!"

    -A. C.